I was out in the traffic two times with friends before I attempted it on my own. Sunday pedaling with fewer buses and trucks. On the flat in good weather. My friend behind and slightly out to the right. It was relatively easy. My hands shook a bit the first time a lorry went past. And my foot hurt when I took off at junctions. Not helped by having clip in pedals which I couldn't clip into. Ironically the main hazards were dogs and small people on bikes (COME HERE MORGAN - BAD DOG BAD DOG, WATCH THE LADY ON THE BIKE...). And of course the fear of a puncture - I can cycle an awful lot further than I can walk.... But in general, I enjoyed it. Out in the fresh air. Free at last.
So today, with no friend available, I went on my own. Down the Promenade (illegally) and then onto the main road to Musselburgh. In the cycle lane (where numerous cars were frustratingly parked) and through a major junction. And although the traffic was relatively quiet, this was much harder than cycling with a friend. I was afraid. Heart pounding. Hands trembling on the bars. Not helped by the idiot who opened a car door as I came past - missing my by a whisker. I stopped, shouted and he apologised. He didn't know my circumstances of course. But its no excuse - particularly as the car in question was parked facing me. Are all of us on two wheels actually invisible?
Home safe I'd managed around 7 miles. In theory this means that I can manage the distance to my work. But the work route is end to end lorry. With horrible junctions. And a badly surfaced road. Which is not ideal for a 7 kilo road bike with a bag of nerves on top. And given that there's another operation coming up which will mean no more cycling for a while, it will be quite some time before I'm a safe and confident cycle commuter....
So today, with no friend available, I went on my own. Down the Promenade (illegally) and then onto the main road to Musselburgh. In the cycle lane (where numerous cars were frustratingly parked) and through a major junction. And although the traffic was relatively quiet, this was much harder than cycling with a friend. I was afraid. Heart pounding. Hands trembling on the bars. Not helped by the idiot who opened a car door as I came past - missing my by a whisker. I stopped, shouted and he apologised. He didn't know my circumstances of course. But its no excuse - particularly as the car in question was parked facing me. Are all of us on two wheels actually invisible?
Home safe I'd managed around 7 miles. In theory this means that I can manage the distance to my work. But the work route is end to end lorry. With horrible junctions. And a badly surfaced road. Which is not ideal for a 7 kilo road bike with a bag of nerves on top. And given that there's another operation coming up which will mean no more cycling for a while, it will be quite some time before I'm a safe and confident cycle commuter....