Monday, 23 August 2010

240 Jumps

21 months in and I'm still compliant. Physio has moved to a new, higher (more dreadful) phase. The deep squats have stopped (thank you god) as have the wall slides with weights. I can now push my own weight with my right leg (apparently this is the goal) and I walk without a limp.

But.... I need to be able to run. Not a marathon. Or even the hundred metres. But enough to skip out of the way of danger. To catch a departing bus. And, dare I say it, just for sheer bloody joy. But...

My ankle joint is very stiff. Blocked actually. And its not going to get much better. We remind ourselves that there was a truck.... But we reckon (well, my Physio does) that we can force it a couple more millimetres. Scare the shit out of it basically. And teach my shin (which has long since forgotten) how to absorb impact.

Thus if you see a strange figure out on Porty beach at night, despite the driving rain, hopping round in a hoodie, you wont be surprised. You might stop to count the hopscotch jumps (30), the zigzag jumps (30), the forward lunge hops (3) and the forward two legged bounds (30). Repeat. You probably wont see the grimace of pain (my ankle is absolutely not used to this), and you definitely wont see the day after consequences (those first few steps in the morning are fairly unpleasant). But needs must and there's still a little bit left to achieve. And achieve it I will, dammit!