The facts:
9 days of pedaling
1 day of rest in Lugo
average distance per day 60 - 80ks
maximum distance (last day) 107ks
terrain: steep and difficult (good level of fitness required)
road quality: surfaces good, some single track roads
accommodation - mostly hostals (limited camping available)
weather: cold, cloud, rain, sun, wind
food: menu de dia (8 - 12 Euros)
language: Spanish (English is rarely spoken in this region)
The route:
maps: Michelin regional Espagne (572 and 571)
- Santander to San Vicente CA 131 (camping at Playa de Oyambre)
- San Vicente to Potes N621 (uphill through gorge) - choice of hostals in Potes
- Potes to Riano N621 Puerto de San Glorio (1609m) - choice of hostals in Riano
- Riano to La Vecilla N621 (over a couple of minor passes) - one hostal in La Vecilla
- La Vecilla to Senra CL 626 (hostal in Senra is the only one in the area)
- Senra to Sisterna LE 493 / AS 212 (hostal in Sisterna is the only one in the area)
- Sisterna to Fonsegrada AS 212 / LU 721 (80ks of very steep climbs) - choice of hostals in Fonsegrada
- Fonsegrada to Lugo C630 (choice of hostals and cheapest pulpo in Spain!)
- Lugo to Santiago de Compestela (take the small rural roads straight through)
Very useful Only comment i've found as yet to start from Santander! (Ferry from Portsmouth).
Where in Santander can I obtain a Credential?
Not sure what you mean by a Credential?
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