Tuesday 10 November 2009

Support Tights (and post op blues)

Six days after my operation. My foot hurts. I can't get to the Co-op because of the pain. But worse than this, I want to lie down all the time. Its a sort of verging-on-fainting crossed with low-blood-sugar/low-blood-pressure sort of horror. I scour the Internet. Seems this is a fairly normal post anesthetic experience. I don't remember it from last time. I lie on the couch. Fuming.

However, no time for self pity. Monday 9th November. Must be St Johns Plastic Surgery Clinic (a 45 minute drive). My aunt deposits me at the front door and hunts down a car park (with difficulty). In the outpatients clinic we are informed of a 45 minute delay - which becomes an hour. This gives us time to sample the rather good fruit scones from the little canteen. And herbal tea.

Finally, its my turn. The nurse has read my notes and comments on the near anniversary of my accident. I almost weep with gratitude. Its a small thing. But so important. She whips off my dressing. I am less grateful for this. The consultant thinks that he can reduce the graft to near 'normal'. Straight forward liposuction - repeated if necessary. Day Surgery and a general anesthetic. 1:100 risk of infection. 18 week waiting list which will reduce at new year.

Strangely - this is not music to my ears. Have extra funds been provided to reduce waiting times? Or it will it be done through efficiency gains and time and motion studies? I'm no expert but, given the choice (which I wont be of course) I'd rather wait longer and have more holistic care than being rammed through the system like some sort of inverse slaughterhouse. I decide to give them the benefit of the doubt. Reducing waiting times should be a good thing. I will embrace it with open arms.

And speaking of embracing, there's the small problem of support tights. Apparently I will have to wear the aforementioned horrors for 8 weeks after the operation. To keep the swelling down and ensure a good result. And to get used to this, I have to start practicing soon. Twenty minutes a day. Christ! I haven't decided on the colour yet, but I'm thinking blood red as a starter for ten. I could even jazz them up with some graffiti. Best suggestion wins the left support stocking - which of course - I will have absolutely no need for.

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