Wednesday 4 March 2009

Just like riding a bike..

Another day... More physio... But this time I've been promoted: to the giant green gym ball: and, more importantly, to the exercise bike. The home physio has paid off. I now have 5 degrees of dorsi movement in my ankle (out of a possible 15). This has been achieved by sheer brute force: the full weight of my Physiotherapist when at the hospital: and my hauling it with a towel at home. And my reward? Getting on the exercise bike.

Strange. It hadn't occurred to me that my first 'ride' would be in the gym. I looked at the machine with suspicion. "You're not a real bike" I muttered. I'd always thought that people who exercised on these things were rather mad. What a pointless activity. But I guess safe from trucks - unless one manages to penetrate deep into the department from the madness of the car park. Imagine the headlines.. Anyway - back to the machine.

Since I am still only wearing one shoe I had to climb on and put my good shod foot into the left pedal loop, and then ease my gammy right one (in its multicoloured sock - nothing like a bit of attention seeking when you've got something to hide) into the right. The grey vinyl seat was remarkably uncomfortable. I complained about this - and then without further thought - started pedalling.

Well - it wasn't hard and I didn't go anywhere. No sounds of traffic and no trucks. Pedalled gently for a few minutes and then picked up a bit of speed. The idea is to strengthen my quads and get a cheeky dorsi stretch at the same time. After 5 minutes I was instructed to stop. Dismounted with the ease and confidence of an old hand.

The gym ball wasn't so easy. I had to sit on this without holding onto anything stable and then rock over my right ankle - more dorsi activity. Balance is tricky - mainly because my 'core' strength is limited. Lack of physical activity over the past few months has taken its toll. However I do get some dorsi movement, don't fall off and crucially, don't embarrass myself. The thrice daily sit ups have apparently paid off.

Then onto the leg press for some final stretches. and a bit more pain. Now that I have 5 degrees my world expands. Gym balls, exercise bikes, leg press machines (and on Friday will be wearing my right shoe for the first time). Soon, as my pal Kenny says, I'll be up for the dancin...

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